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NINJA HB150UK Hot & Cold Blender & Soup Maker - Black, Black


Whether you want to blend fruit for a smoothie, crush the ice for refreshing cocktails or cook delicious soups, the Ninja HB150UK Hot & Cold Blender & Soup Maker is a useful tool to have in your kitchen.Just pop in your ingredients, close the lid and choose a program to fit your recipe. The LED display and touch buttons make the blender easy and intuitive to use.Prefer to make it up as you go? Thanks to the removable centre cap on the lid, you can add ingredients during the cooking process.With a powerful built-in heating element, making soup takes no more than 20 minutes, and the temperature is adjusted based on your type of dish.So whether you like your soup smooth or chunky, adjustable blending gives you plenty of options to get that perfect texture. And when it's time to clean up, there's a program for that too.

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