Whether they’ve bagged a first, nailed a 2:1 or snatched up a second, it’s finally time for our loved ones to come home with their well-earned degrees. After years of late-night library sessions and intense studying – ahem, so we like to tell ourselves – some of our close friends and family members have made it through their unforgettable uni years. There have been tears, lots of laughter, the odd drunk pcoket dial and many hand-in panics that we’ve been there to support them through, but now it’s finally time for them to step out into the real world like the rest of us. Job hunting, first jobs and paying off their student-finances loom, and will undoubtedly scare any graduate, so we’re taking this time to focus on something a little less daunting – the official day of their graduation!

But what do you buy your top student on such a momentous occasion of their lives? Well, we already have a few ideas up our sleeves. From some useful bits of tech to help them set up for their big careers that lie ahead, to some celebratory drinks that they can crack open with their closest friends, these are our top 10 graduation gift picks that they are bound to love.